Portobello Buddhist Priory, a non-residential ground floor flat in the Portobello district of Edinburgh, opened in 1998. It is one of a number of temples in Britain which are connected to the Community of Buddhist Contemplatives. The training monastery of the Community at Throssel Hole near Hexham in Northumberland was founded in 1972 by Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett, an English woman who trained within the Soto Zen tradition at one of its main monasteries in Japan. The resident Prior at Portobello is one of the senior monks from Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey.
The purpose of the Priory is to offer lay training within the Serene Reflection Meditation tradition (Soto Zen) to anyone who sincerely seeks to undertake it, and the Prior's role is to support such training. The Prior and members of the congregation are also involved in activities such as religious education, hospital and prison visiting.
All are warmly invited to join in the Priory's programme of lay practice, the purpose of which is to come to know and live from our True Nature, whose expression is our wise and compassionate living.
If you would like to visit the Priory, you will be made very welcome. Either come along to one of our monthly introductory afternoons or you can contact me by phone or email.
With kindest wishes
Rev. Favian, Prior
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