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Data Protection policy

Identifiable data will be held on individuals only with the active consent of that individual.


The Priory will keep records of where all personal data is stored and how it is used. This usage will not change without consent of the individuals involved.


A Data Protection Lead will be appointed to oversee data issues.


Information on the rights of individuals regarding their data will be made available on our website and at the Priory.


Individuals will be able to receive details of any information held on them by contacting the Priory.


Individuals can arrange for their data to be deleted, or altered if inaccurate, by contacting the Priory.


Data held on computer will be protected by an up-to-date internet security programme and will be stored in a password protected database. Data held on paper will be held in securely locked storage within the Priory.


If there is a breach of security of an individual’s information, they will be informed within 72 hours of the breach being identified, and any possible remedial action will be taken.


No data relating to an individual will be passed on to a third party without that individual’s active consent.


This policy and its implementation will be regularly reviewed at Trustee Meetings.

Website Privacy Policy

As with all personal data, emails sent to us via the Priory website will be safeguarded according to the above policy.


It should also be noted that the software company Wix is the Data Processor for our website as the site uses their software and is hosted remotely by them. Data is protected by them according to the Wix Privacy Policy.


To help understand the Wix privacy policy, please be aware that, in that document, Wix refers to three categories of user: visitors, users and users-of-users. Anyone using the Priory website is regarded as a user-of-users from Wix’s point of view. The other two categories are restricted to users of Wix’s own website, so are not relevant here.


This privacy policy does not cover the links within this site linking to other websites. Those sites are not governed by this privacy policy and if you have questions about how another site uses your information, you’ll need to check that site’s privacy statement.

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Cookies Policy

Like most websites, our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information. When you first visit a site that uses cookies, a cookie is downloaded onto your computer, mobile phone or other device. The next time you visit that site, your device checks to see if it has a cookie that is relevant (that is, one containing the site name) and sends the information contained in that cookie back to the site, so that it ‘knows’ that you have been there before. Cookies may collect information about browsing behaviour when you access the site via the same computer or device. This includes information about pages viewed and your journey around the website. Cookies let you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and generally improving the user experience.


Any cookies used in our site are created by the Wix software which we used to build the website. Wix's cookie policy can be found in section 9 of the Wix Privacy Policy  


We do not use cookies to collect or record information on your name, address or other contact details. But if you want to disable cookies, you’ll need to change your website browser settings to reject cookies. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser. You can find out more about cookies at this page on the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Website information

Portobello Buddhist Priory, a temple of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives

Zen Buddhism in Edinburgh, Scotland

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