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Forthcomimg Events

In addition to the Day-to-day schedule at the Priory, there are specific events scheduled to take place over the next few months: Weekend Events at the Priory and Events Elsewhere in Scotland with the Prior.

Anchor 1

Weekend Events at the Priory

January 2020

Sunday 5th

Renewal of Precepts


February 2020

Sunday 2nd

Renewal of Precepts


March 2020

Sunday 8th

Renewal of Precepts


April 2020

Sunday 5th

Festival of Great Master Dogenl


Anchor 2

Events Elsewhere in Scotland with the Prior

February 2020

Friday 28th

Saturday 29th

Sunday 1st march

Aberfeldy group evening

Dundee group morning

Aberdeen group morning

7.30pm - 9pm

10am - 1pm

10am - 1pm

March 2020

Friday 27th

Saturday 28th

Sunday 29th

Aberfeldy group evening

Dundee group morning

Aberdeen group morning

7.30pm - 9pm

10am - 1pm

10am - 1pm

April 2020

Friday 24th

Saturday 25th

Sunday 26th

Aberfeldy group evening

Dundee group morning

Aberdeen group morning

7.30pm - 9pm

10am - 1pm

10am - 1pm

Website information

Portobello Buddhist Priory, a temple of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives

Zen Buddhism in Edinburgh, Scotland

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